NCAC President Kenric Van Wyk; Andrew Hulva, Virginia Tech; Julian Guy Milone, Columbia College Chicago; Dane Bush, Rennselaer Polytechnic Instittue; Logan D. Pippitt, University of Kansas

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NCAC announces Madeline Davidson of the University of Nebraska – Lincoln a recipient of the NCAC Student Travel Award.

Davidson received $500 in travel assistance and presented her paper “Quantification of Time-Varying Directivity of Musical Instruments in an Orchestral Context” at the Acoustical Society of America meeting in Jacksonville, FL at the Acoustical Society of America conference November 2-5, 2015 in Jacksonville, FL. The award was presented Wednesday, November 4 at the Student Reception.

Each year, NCAC selects universities from a list of eight qualified university programs. The 2015 universities offered an award were Columbia College Chicago, Georgia Institute of Technology, Purdue University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Florida, University of Hartford, University of Kansas, University of Nebraska – Lincoln and Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The eligibility of university and college programs was determined by the NCAC Student Travel Award committee and based on stringent criteria regarding the program’s curriculum and faculty. Schools were qualified to select a graduate or undergraduate student from their program to be the recipient of the award. These honors have been made possible through financial support from NCAC sponsors.

“We are pleased to recognize these outstanding university programs and provide support for the students,” said Kenric Van Wyk, NCAC President. “We are eager to hear the perspectives and observations of these students, the next generation of acoustical consultants, and contemplate how their research will impact our future projects.”


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